Monday, 21 January 2013

Credit sequences

In film, there are two types of credit sequences, opening credit sequences and closing credit sequences, which are both shown for different purposes.
Opening credit sequences are shown at the beginning of a film, in which opening credit sequences consist of the key cast members in the film, the producers/distributors of the film, and who the film is associated with (for example TED is associated with Universal pictures). Furthermore, opening credit sequences are usually shown as a big font to catch the audience’s eyes.
Closing credit sequences are shown at the end of a film, in which closing credit sequences consist of the cast, the producers, the designers, the directors, the writers, the editors and many other departments of the film. Moreover, closing credit sequences are usually shown as smaller fonts as there are many different aspects/departments of a film that need to be credited.
In film, both opening and closing credit sequences are used to show the different aspects/departments of a film. However in films, both opening and closing credit sequences are not always used, as some films only show the closing credits of a film.

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