Thursday 2 May 2013

Evaluation activity 5

How did you attract/address your audience?
For this evaluation task I will highlight the ways in which my group’s thriller opening links to similar films to attract teenagers (our target audience). Furthermore, I will be referring to my group’s thriller’s genre, use of music and similarities to other films.

We attracted our target audience (teenagers) by producing a thriller opening they would understand, in which we didn’t want to make our thriller opening too complex. Furthermore, we also attracted our audience by creating tension, suspense and mystery. On the other hand, we addressed our audience by using characters who were over the age of 15 years old, which helped appeal to our target audience because our thriller opening is rated as a 15+.

Our thriller opening was shown to our whole Media Studies class, which resulted into our group getting some positive feedback for our thriller opening.
Our fellow Media Studies students told us how our camerawork was very good, as we used many different shots, ranging from close-ups, medium shots, long shots to over the shoulders shots, in which we were also told our editing was completed to a good standard, with the use of shot-reverse-shots and jump cuts. Moreover, we were told the title of our thriller appeared extremely well, as the house door opened and our title appeared on screen.
Furthermore, we were also told the use of natural sound and the use of music blended in well, as our music fitted with our storyline.
In addition, our fellow students told us we used the mise-en-scene aspect of our thriller well, as we used the interior and exterior of the house location, and we also used many different props (ranging from a mobile phone, house phone, photo, letter to a necklace).
Lastly, we were told our thriller opening set our thriller up extremely well because we left our thriller on a cliff-hanger. 

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