Monday 29 April 2013

Post-production contribution - Production company research

Steel Productions Company (Made up company)
A film production company is in charge of producing/filming, developing, and distributing a film.
The film production company that will produce our thriller opening will be ‘Steel Productions’. ‘Steel Productions’ are a well known British film production company who specialise in producing films in the UK on a low budget. Moreover, ‘Steel Productions’ have experience in producing and distributing films, as they produced their first product/film in 2002 (when they were founded), in which they have grown as a company, and made many more films. In addition, ‘Steel Productions’ products/films appeal to a British audience (national audience), rather than an international audience, as I believe they have many similarities to production companies such as Warp Film and Film4 productions.
I believe ‘Steel Productions’ would be a perfect film production company to produce and distribute our thriller opening, as they fit our thriller openings needs/requirements (appealing to a British/national audience, and being produced/filmed on a low budget). Furthermore, I believe our thriller opening would get more recognition by being produced and distributed by ‘Steel Productions’ rather than a film production company such as Universal Pictures, as Universal Pictures produce their films on extremely high budgets, in which our thriller wouldn’t get any recognition. 

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